Building & Construction Education to Job Tier and Salary Comparison
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Associated Builders and Contractors
ABC Keystone—Motivated by Our Members’ Success for Over 60 Years. We are passionate about free enterprise advocacy, workforce education and training, business-to-business connections, career pathway development, and instilling a safety culture—in all sectors of the construction industry.
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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County
Since the BIA was formed in 1956, it has provided high-quality service and remained a major player in promoting a balanced smart-growth approach to development in Lancaster County. The BIA members have a wealth of expertise in a vast number of areas, including housing development, economic development, environmental protection, education and many other services. The BIA represents a broad diversity of backgrounds, mirroring the rich diversity present in the Lancaster population that it serves and supports.
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Architecture and Construction Career Cluster
The purpose of the construction industry is to build and maintain all kinds of structures, including homes, manufacturing plants, office buildings, streets and highways, sewers, irrigation projects, and more. The industry also includes related activities such as painting, electrical work, and plumbing.
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