Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health (LG Health) recently hosted a career exploration program, A Day in the Life, for over 300 local high school students. A Day in the Life is a hands-on educational program where students learn about an occupation by shadowing an experienced professional and explore possible career options for their future.
Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences (PA College) was also excited to participate in the day, providing the opportunity for students to learn more information on educational pathways to desired health care careers.
Held in April, students rotated through hands-on activities representing careers in Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Medicine, Pharmacy, Surgical Technology, Cardiology, Radiology, and the Laboratory Services. The day also included an opportunity to job shadow in a student-selected area of choice.
The event was filled with excitement as LGH employees and representatives from PA College shared their experiences, highlighting ‘a day in the life’ in their chosen field, and discussed the educational path needed to achieve future career goals.
Among the many careers highlighted during this special event (such as nursing, respiratory care, diagnostic medical sonography, and surgical technology), PA College also offers dual enrollment courses that allow students to take college-level courses while still in high school for a discounted cost (50% of the standard PA College tuition rate). These courses can count toward high school graduation and college credits and are an excellent way for students to begin experiencing college earlier while saving time and money.
In addition, PA College is offering a Medical Terminology dual enrollment course this summer from June 19 to August 11. The course will meet in person Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 7 pm at PA College with additional weekly online coursework. For details on the Medical Terminology course or other dual enrollment options, contact Admissions Counselor Ashton Fiucci at