Career Ready Lancaster! is a career pathways partnership linking people to their career through collaboration of education, business, and community groups. Our partners collaborate throughout the year to build career pathways that link career seekers to career providers. About – Career Ready Lancaster!
Career Ready Lancaster! is made up of three committees: Marketing, Career Readiness, and Employer Engagement. Each committee sets goals, measures progress, and drives action plans on a 90-day cycle. Goals are determined by the committee members who are closest to the needs of the community. For example, the Career Readiness Committee recognized that students are unaware of the multitude of post-secondary opportunities in Lancaster County, including apprenticeships and certificate programs. The Post Secondary list was created.
Each quarter CRL! comes together for a Council Meeting. The meetings are lively, celebratory, and focused on progress to goals. The meetings are held at different locations throughout the county. On April 21st, seventy-one community members attended the Council Meeting to learn about business education partnerships. These partnerships ensure that the workforce of the future is connected to jobs of the future. Testimonials were shared, and opportunities revealed. If you are interested in getting involved or attending the next CRL! Council meeting, we would love for you to get involved. Reach out via