4 Skills & 4 Steps to a Successful Career

Exploring career directions, seeking out work-based learning opportunities, researching salaries for different careers, and understanding employability skills, will help launch a successful career. Career Ready Lancaster! has the resources to help students and job seekers do all these things.   It is a place to start your career journey.  It can seem overwhelming to look ahead and imagine where your choices will take you.  But, if you break the process down, one step at a time, it becomes easier to move forward.  Kevin Fleming lays out a 4-step career development process in his videos. Watch the videos.  Visit Career Ready Lancaster!  And step into your dreams.

Lesson 3: Steps 1 & 2 to Career Success – YouTube

Kevin J Fleming Lesson 4 Steps 3 & 4 to Career Success – YouTube

Career Ready Lancaster!  

Careers in Agriculture

Cooperative Work Experience – Brilliant!