Conectando personas con carreras
El condado de Lancaster es rico en oportunidades profesionales, desde manufactura, atención médica, educación, tecnología y más. Con tantas direcciones diferentes, encontramos que las personas necesitan un poco de orientación mientras exploran y desarrollan su carrera profesional. ¡Es por eso que Career Ready Lancaster! está aquí para ayudarlo a explorar sus opciones y determinar qué dirección tomar.
Foco de carrera!
Su trayectoria profesional puede tomar muchas direcciones diferentes. Escuche a los profesionales locales que están en camino a una carrera de por vida.
Lights Camera Action!
The stage was set as six teams of enthusiastic middle school students from Cocalico, Ephrata Area, Gerald Hueskin (Conestoga Valley), Martin Meylin (Lampeter Strasburg), Marticville (Penn Manor), and Pequea Valley…
Industry recognized credentials
An industry-recognized credential refers to a certification that holds value within a specific industry or field. These credentials are sought or accepted by multiple employers within the industry. “Credentials have currency in…
A hand up in affording higher education
Lancaster Dollars for Higher Learning has been helping Lancaster County students attain higher education by providing interest-free loans since 1961. Our program not only helps students afford higher education, but…
project based curriculum collaboration
Why Do We Need to Learn This? A typical career path of a teacher includes graduating from high school, attending a four-year college to receive a bachelor’s degree and a…
thankful for not trying to be “too cool” for anything and giving it a go.
Submitted by Todd Kauffman As a High School senior, I never imagined that I’d be working in the scrap industry at Sahd Metal Recycling. Growing up, I honestly had no…
Back to School at any age
I knew retirement wouldn’t agree with me. I owned and operated a small business, a dance studio, in Lititz, for forty-four years. I made lasting relationships and looked forward each…
Careers in Agriculture
Es la temporada de ferias del condado en Lancaster. Las ferias del condado han sido parte del paisaje del condado de Lancaster durante mucho tiempo. Miles de personas asisten a uno de los muchos condados...